The Code of Ethics is the fundamental charter of moral rights and duties that defines the ethical-social responsibility of each member of the corporate organization of the Mazzuoli Group.
It constitutes an effective means of preventing irresponsible or possibly illegal behavior by those who work in the name and on behalf of the company because it introduces a clear and explicit definition of the responsibilities of each company operator towards those who are directly or indirectly involved in the activity. of the company, i.e. customers, suppliers, employees, collaborators, public institutions and anyone else who is interested in the company's activity.
Its recipients are required to strictly and fully respect the values and principles contained therein and are required to protect and preserve, through their conduct, the respectability and image of the Group, as well as the integrity of its economic, social and human.
However, the Code of Ethics does not replace and does not prevail over the laws in force and the existing National Collective Labor Agreement, which retain their expressed and fundamental effectiveness and value.
Through the Code of Ethics, the Group intends in particular:
- Define and make explicit the values and general ethical principles that inform its business activities and relations with customers, suppliers, employees, collaborators, administrators, public institutions and any other parties involved in the company's activities;
- Formalize a commitment to behave on the basis of the ethical principles of moral legitimacy, fairness and equality, personal protection, diligence, transparency, honesty, confidentiality, impartiality, and health protection;
- Indicate to its employees, collaborators and directors the principles of behavior, values and responsibilities that it requires timely compliance with in the course of providing work services;
- Define the implementation tools and implementation methodology.
All recipients of this Code of Ethics are required to observe, in any situation and context, the contents and inspiring principles in the context of their specific functions, powers and activities.
The Group director must comply with it in proposing and implementing projects, actions and investments useful for increasing the economic value of the company and the well-being of its employees, customers and suppliers in the long term; sector managers must take on responsibilities internally and externally, strengthening trust, cohesion and team spirit; the employees of the company must undertake to comply with the laws and regulations in force in the national territory and, in the presence of doubts and perplexities as to how to proceed, they must ask their superiors to offer the necessary directives and operational information.
Mazzuoli Group undertakes to facilitate and promote the knowledge of the Code of Ethics by its recipients and to scrupulously monitor its observance, providing adequate information, prevention and control tools to ensure, in any case, the transparency of the operations and conduct set in be, intervening, if necessary, with corrective actions.
Employees are obliged to promptly report to the company management any news they learn about the violation of the rules of the Code of Ethics,
so that the company can promptly prepare all the necessary measures for the protection of all interventions that are in any case useful to bring the work back to the rules of ethics and to restore compliance with the law, where violated.
Mazzuoli Group acts in its business activity respecting the fundamental rights of each individual, protecting their moral integrity and ensuring equal opportunities.
Internally, the Group wishes to maintain a serene work environment, in which everyone can work in compliance with the laws, principles and shared values; in particular, no form of isolation, exploitation or harassment for any reason of discrimination, for personal or work reasons, is tolerated.
Any kind of discrimination based on the diversity of language, color, faith and religion, political affiliation, nationality, ethnicity, age, sex and sexual orientation, marital status, disability and physical appearance, economic and social condition is therefore expressly prohibited; concessions of any privileges linked to the reasons listed above are also prohibited, except as provided by the regulations in force.
Employees, collaborators and business operators are an indispensable factor for the success of the company.
For this reason, the Group protects and promotes the value of human resources in order to improve and increase the assets and competitiveness of each person's skills.
We believe that healthy competition, understood as a commitment to improvement, represents an indispensable factor for development and progress within a context of work groups.
The recognition of the results achieved, the professional potential and the skills expressed are central moments in the professional development of the staff of the entire group.
The selection, training, management and professional development are therefore carried out without any discrimination, according to criteria of merit, competence and professionalism.
Pursuing these principles and rewarding, compatibly with the company's economic situation, exclusively according to these criteria, Mazzuoli Group ensures the protection of the principle of equal opportunities and manages career and salary advancements on this basis, in a continuous and balanced comparison with the reference market, ensuring transparency, seriousness, correctness and clarity on the valuation methods applied.
The Group also offers its personnel adequate tools and opportunities for professional growth.
We consider learning and training a permanent acquisition model, by means of which it is possible to achieve knowledge, understand and effectively interpret change, acquire new ideas, improve productivity, mature individual and overall growth of the company.
Mazzuoli Group places innovation at the center of its activities, believing that the latter requires a high level of dynamism and attention at the organizational level for the people who are part of the company, for customers and suppliers.
Within the Group, innovation does not only concern the strictly technological framework, but also the sphere of human relations; to this end, it merges technological values with ethical ones, proposing, internally, a climate of widespread trust which results in better operational efficiency, based on the synergy between the individual and the company, on one's sense of responsibility and in compliance with the strictest link between economic imperative and ethical value.
Without prejudice to the contractual legal provisions regarding the duties of workers, employees are required professionalism, honesty, dedication, loyalty, a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect.
The dynamics that characterize the context in which the company operates require the adoption of transparent behaviors.
The main success factor is given by the professional and organizational contribution that each of the human resources involved ensures.
More precisely, Mazzuoli Group employees must:
1. Refrain from conduct contrary to the rules laid down by this Code of Ethics;
2. Promptly report to the administration any news regarding possible violations;
3. Maintain conduct that is inspired by the utmost transparency, correctness and legitimacy, lending one's business with commitment and professional rigor, providing an adequate contribution to the responsibility assigned and acting in such a way as to protect the prestige and good name of the company.
Relations between employees, at all levels, must be based on criteria and conduct of fairness, collaboration, mutual respect and civil coexistence.
Each company employee is responsible for acquiring knowledge of the laws and regulations that affect their duties in order to recognize potential risks and know when to seek company support.
Each employee will have to base his / her activity, whatever the level of responsibility connected to the role, at the highest degree of efficiency, complying with the operating instructions given by the higher hierarchical levels and will have to contribute with colleagues and superiors to the pursuit of common objectives.
The employees and external collaborators of the Group are required to make a constant commitment to give the best of the skills acquired, without prejudice to the awareness of continuously improving them through the tools offered by the company and personal will.
They must be driven by a natural competitive drive and are continually directed to make improvements, both relating to individual performance and to team performance, paying particular attention to the importance of time management, both in decision-making and choice.
The Mazzuoli Group, in this way, pursues excellence starting from the individual level to arrive at the corporate level.
With regard to third parties, the company personnel, based on the skills of each, must take care to adequately inform about the commitments and obligations imposed by the Code of Ethics, demand compliance with the obligations that directly concern their business, adopt the appropriate internal initiatives and, if within its competence, external, in the event of non-fulfillment by third parties of the obligation to comply with the rules of the Code of Ethics.
The employee is required to ensure the utmost respect for the infrastructures, means, tools and materials of the company, promptly reporting to his manager any non-compliant use of such equipment that he deems others make of it.
They belong to these categories, for example premises, furnishings, operational equipment and equipment (such as company cars, tools, computers, printers, photocopiers, servers, or communication tools, such as telephone, fax, e-mail, personal stationery, paper), functions offered by the company information system (such as processing procedures, software, internet access and databases and the like), books, manuals, brochures.
The employee is required to use the company's equipment only for the performance of the work duties for which he is in charge.
It is therefore strictly forbidden for employees to act with company means, whether they are IT, technical or of any other type, for the achievement of private purposes or interests or in competition with company activities.
The employee is allowed to use the company's equipment and / or material outside the company's facilities only in cases of use for business reasons, such as, for example, business trips to locations other than the usual one, work performance in posting regime, and the like.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest, each operation and activity must be undertaken solely and exclusively in the interest of the company and in a lawful, transparent and correct manner.
Employees must avoid all situations and all activities in which a conflict with the interests of the company may arise or which may interfere with their ability to make, impartially, decisions in the interest of the company and in full compliance of the rules of this Code of Ethics.
Employees are required to avoid conflicts of interest between personal and family economic activities and the duties they hold within the structure to which they belong.
Any situation that may constitute or determine a conflict of interest must be promptly communicated to the Administrative Management.
By way of example but not limited to, please note that they determine a conflict situation:
- Economic and financial interests of the employee and/or his/her family exercised in competition or conflict with those of the company.
- Carrying out work activities, of any kind, at customers, suppliers, competitors of the company;
- Acceptance of money, favors or benefits from persons or companies that are or intend to enter into business relations with the company.
Given the variety of citations that may arise, in case of doubt about the onset or not of a conflict of interest, employees must contact the Administrative Department for clarification of the case.
The employee is required to maintain the strictest and absolute confidentiality on all information relating to the company and / or its employees of which he is aware by virtue of his work activity.
This is in order to avoid the disclosure of confidential information relating to the organization, production methods and any other information whose disclosure could cause damage to the company.
In particular, the staff must:
1. Acquire and process only the data necessary and appropriate for the purposes directly attributable to the function performed
2. Acquire and process the data only within specific procedures;
3. Keep the data in such a way as to prevent unauthorized others from gaining knowledge of it;
4. Make sure that there are no restrictions on the possible disclosure of information regarding third parties connected to the company by a relationship of any kind and, if necessary, obtain their consent.
Without prejudice to compliance with the rules on free competition, all employees are required to act in such a way as to achieve the best results in the competition.
It is contrary to the company's policy to have information exchanges and / or agreements with any competitor regarding prices, pricing policies, discounts, promotions, conditions of sale, production costs: the company does not in any way want to restrict or distort the free play of competition.
Similarly, any form of agreement, direct or indirect, which is created or entered into with competitors in order to disturb the performance of public supply tenders is also prohibited.
Every employee or collaborator who works in the commercial activity is therefore invited to submit to the management any doubts or initiatives that may fall within the cases sanctioned by law, in order to operate in full compliance with the regulations.
In procurement relationships and, in general, the supply of goods and / or services, employees are obliged to:
1. Observe the internal procedures for the selection and management of relations with suppliers;
2. Obtain the collaboration of suppliers in constantly ensuring the satisfaction of customers' needs in terms of quality, cost and delivery times;
3. Observe and ensure compliance with the contractual conditions and maintain a frank and open dialogue with suppliers, in line with good business practices;
4. Report problems with a supplier to management so that the consequences can be assessed.
The customer is the heart of the business: the work is carried out first of all to ensure the growth of the customer.
The budget must be carried out in a complete, precise and timely manner.
The system or solution provided to the customer must always be tested in advance and must meet the characteristics of reliability and safety, as established in the pre-contractual phase.
Company employees are required to:
1. Observe the internal procedures for managing relationships with customers;
2. Provide accurate and exhaustive information about the products and services offered so that the customer can make informed decisions;
3. Be truthful in advertising or other communications.
It is the company's policy to spread at all levels not only the existence and importance of controls but also a mentality oriented to the exercise of the same.
With the internal control system, the Group intends to pursue the general objectives of effectiveness and efficiency of its operations, of safeguarding company assets and resources, of compliance with laws, regulations and internal procedures and of reliability of accounting and financial data.
Each employee therefore has, within the scope of his / her activity, the specific responsibility of creating, maintaining and monitoring the correct functioning and effectiveness of the internal control system.
The Mazzuoli Group has so far been characterized by a long tradition of compliance with current regulations for each specific sector of interest, gaining credibility and appreciation from customers.
An unethical or illegal behavior would cause the company to damage the fiduciary relationship with very serious damage to its image, reputation and credibility.
Employees and external collaborators are required to comply with this Code of Ethics in all respects.
Compliance with the rules of this Code of Ethics therefore constitutes an essential part of the contractual obligations of the Group's employees (employees and collaborators).
The violation of the provisions of this Code of Ethics by the employees (employees and collaborators) constitutes a breach of contractual obligations and may determine, depending on the case, the application of the sanctions and disciplinary measures provided for by the applicable Collective Agreements, the termination of the report, damages.
The Group will take appropriate measures against those whose actions are found to be in violation of this Code of Ethics.
Disciplinary measures may include, at the sole discretion of Mazzuoli Group, verbal or written warning, suspension or immediate termination of the employment or business relationship, or any other disciplinary measure deemed appropriate for the circumstances.
This Code of Ethics does not constitute or imply in any form a condition of employment or a guarantee of use.
The employment relationship may be terminated according to the terms of the same and in accordance with the applicable regulations.
The rules contained in this Code of Ethics do not represent an exhaustive list of the rules adopted by the Mazzuoli Group, nor an exhaustive list of the types of behavior susceptible to disciplinary measures, including dismissal.